Breaking Loads

Breaking Loads - TENSILE GRADE 1770N/MM2 7x7 Wire Core

A similar rope to 6x7 but the fibre core is replaced by a wire strand, resulting in a greater resistance to crushing and added strength, lacks flexibility on larger diameter ropes.
Size Dia (mm)Appoximate Mass (Weight 100/Kgs)Minimum Breaking Load (Tonnes)Approximate SWL (FOS 5:1 kgs)
1.5 0.90 
1.52 0.27655 
2.5 2.2 
3.43 0.54108
6.1 0.960 192
9.53 1.5 300 
13.7 2.16 492 
19.5 3.15 630 
25.5 4.11 822 
32.2 5.2 1.00 
10 39.8 6.42 1.20 
11 48.2 7.77 1.50 
12 57.3 9.25 1.80 


TENSILE GRADE 1770N/MM2 7 x 19 Wire Strand Core

A similar rope to 6x19 but the Fibre Core is replaced by a wire strand
resulting in less flexibility but a slightly higher breaking strain and better resisance to crushing
Size Diameter (mm)Approximate Mass (kg/100M)Minimum Breaking Load (Tonnes)Approximate SWL (kgs FOS 5:1)
1.49 0.24 48 
2.5 2.4 0.37 74 
3.43 0.54 108 
6.1 0.96 192 
9.53 1.50 300 
13.7 2.16 432 
19.5 3.15 630 
25.5 4.11 822 
32.2 5.2 1.0 
10 39.8 6.42 1.2 
11 48.2 7.77 1.5 
12 57.3 9.25 1.85 
13 67.3 10.8 2.16 
14 78 12.6 2.5 
16 102 16.4 3.2 
18 129 20.8 4.1 
19 144 23.1 4.6 
20159 25.7 5.1 
22 193 31.1 6.2 
24 229 37 7.4 
26 269 43.4 8.6 
28 312 50.4 10.00 
32 408 65.7 13.1 

TENSILE GRADE 1770 N/MM2 6X19 Fibre Core

This rope is widely used for General Purpose Engineering, It has good strength and flexibility with reasonably good resistance to abrasion and crushing.
Size Dia (mm)Approximate Mass (Weight kgs/100M)Minimum Breaking Load (Tonnes)Approximate SWL (FOS 5:1 kgs)
1.39 0.239 47 
3.11 0.500 100 
5.54 0.890 178 
8.65 1.39 278 
12.5 400 
17.7 2.92 584 
23.1 3.81 762 
29.2 4.82 964 
10 36.1 5.95 1.1
11 43.7 7.21 1.4 
12 52 8.57 1.7 
13 61 10.1 
14 70.8 11.6 2.3 
16 92.4 15.3 
18 117 19.3 3.8 
19 130 21.5 4.3 
20 144 23.9 4.7 
22 175 28.8 5.7 
24 208 34.3 6.8 

6 x 7 Fibre Core this construction has good strength & maximum resistance to abrasion

Size Dia (mm)Approximate Mass (Weight Kgs/100M)Minimum Breaking Load (Tonnes)Factor of Safety (Approximate SWL 5:1 kgs)
21.38 0.24 48 
2.52.0 0.37 74  
3.11 0.54 108 
5.54 0.96 192 
8.65 1.50 300 
2.15 2.16 432 

6x36 IWRC galvanised wire rope Tensile grade 1770N/MM2 Also offered in 1960 grade

Size Diameter (mm )   Appoximate Mass (Weight 100/Kgs)Minimum Breaking Load  (Tonnes)Approximate SWL (FOS 5:1)
 8mm 25.5 4.11 0.822
 9mm 32.2 5.2 1.04
 10mm 39.8 6.42 1.28
 11mm 48.2 7.77 1.55
 12mm 57.3 9.25 1.85
 13mm 67.3 10.8 2.16
 14mm 78 12.6 2.52
 16mm 102 16.4 3.28
 18mm 129 20.8 4.16
 19mm 144 23.1 4.62
 20mm 159 25.7 5.14